How to cure zombie villagers in Minecraft



Steps to Cure a Zombie Villager

How To Cure Zombie Villagers In Minecraft Gamerode

How To Cure Zombie Villagers In Minecraft Gamerode

Zombies in Minecraft are a well-known and iconic mob. Their distinct sound effects are easily recognizable, even by non-players. With their greenish pale skin and tattered clothes, they have a cartoonish appearance.

What’s interesting is that zombies have the ability to infect villagers and transform them into zombies as well. Luckily, there is a way to reverse this process and cure zombie villagers, restoring them to their original form as normal villagers.

In this article, we will discuss the steps and methods you can take to successfully cure zombie villagers and reintegrate them into your Minecraft village.

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Where Do Zombie Villagers Come From?

In the game Minecraft, there is a small chance (5%) that instead of regular zombies, a group of zombies known as “zombie villages” can spawn during the normal spawning cycle. These zombie villages are created when a villager is killed by any type of zombie.

In the Java Edition of Minecraft, a zombified zombie villager is still considered a hostile mob even if the player has traded with it before it dies. However, any items picked up by the zombie villager are not counted towards the mob limit. In the Bedrock Edition, all villagers have permanently turned into zombies.

If you want to know how to cure zombie villagers in Minecraft, you can find them in the basements of igloos. In the Bedrock Edition, you will come across a regular zombie villager, while in the Java Edition, you will encounter a cleric zombie villager.

Interestingly, with the help of a cauldron workstation, one of these zombie villagers can transform into a leatherworker. Additionally, abandoned communities also contribute to the existence of these zombie villagers. It’s important to note that zombie villagers that are created in these structures do not disappear on their own.

Where to Find a Zombie Villager

If you want to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft, the first thing you need to do is find one. It might be a bit challenging, but zombie villagers are easy to recognize.

They have a zombified appearance like a regular Minecraft villager, but with a green skin and outstretched arms instead of folded ones, just like a typical zombie. These zombie villagers come in different variations based on the biome and profession, just like regular villagers.

In Minecraft, you can come across Zombie Villagers while exploring the wilderness. These peculiar creatures have a 5% probability of appearing in each group of undead beings.

Interestingly, the most straightforward method to acquire a Zombie Villager involves a rather graphic process. When a Villager is slain by a Zombie, there is a possibility for it to revive as a Zombie Villager. The likelihood of this happening depends on the difficulty level of the world you are playing in.

What you’ll need

In order to transform a zombie villager into a regular villager in Minecraft, you will require several items. However, this process can be quite complex and time-consuming. The necessary items for curing a zombie villager are:

  • Zombie Villager
  • Fermented Spider Eye
  • Mushroom
  • Sugar
  • Bottle of Water (x3)
  • Gunpowder
  • Brewing Stand (with fuel)
  • Golden Apple

Once you have gathered all the necessary materials, it’s time to start the process of curing zombie villagers in Minecraft. To transform the zombie villager back into a regular villager, you will require a potion of weakness.

How To Cure A Zombie Villager

Here’s how to cure the zombie villager:

  • Spray the zombie villager using the Splash Potion of Weakness.
  • Feed the zombie villager a golden apple by contacting the zombie villager and clicking the ‘use’ button.
  • The grey swirls turn crimson, and the zombie villager begins to shake.
  • After a few seconds, the zombie villager will revert to normal villager status.

1. Splash Potion of Weakness & Lingering Potion of Weakness

In Minecraft, if you want to cure zombie villagers, you can use two types of potions: Splash Potion of Weakness and Lingering Potion of Weakness.

If you want to cure zombie villagers in Minecraft, you will need to gather specific materials to create a Splash Potion of Weakness and a Lingering Potion of Weakness. These essential materials include:

  • Splash Potion of Weakness
  • Lingering Potion of Weakness
  • Arrow of Weakness
  • Using a Witch

In order to cure zombie villagers in Minecraft, you need to create a Brewing Stand. To do this, combine a Blaze Rod and three Cobblestone at the Crafting Table.

2. Arrow of Weakness

One advantage of using an Arrow of Weakness instead of a Splash Potion of Weakness in Minecraft is that players can avoid the risk of accidentally splashing themselves during the process of curing zombie villagers.

In order to cure zombie villagers in Minecraft, players can create an arrow of weakness. This can be done by combining the Lingering Potion of Weakness with arrows at the Crafting Table. Alternatively, players can fill a Cauldron with the Potion of Weakness and then use arrows on it. Both of these methods are effective for curing zombie villagers.

3. Obtaining A Golden Apple

In order to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft, it is important to understand that the key step is to provide them with a Golden Apple. However, it is crucial to note that the zombie villager can only be fed the apple when they are in a weakened state. This is where the use of potions and arrows becomes vital in the curing process

In Minecraft, there are multiple methods to acquire a standard Golden Apple.

  • Crafting by using 8x gold ingots and an apple
  • Obtaining from chests from random locations around the world

Get Ready to Cure Your First Zombie Villager

Once you have gathered all the necessary items, it is time to confront your first zombie villager and make an effort to heal it.

To successfully cure zombie villagers in Minecraft, it is important to prioritize your character’s safety. Equip your most resilient armor and utilize a shield to enhance your defense against potential attacks from the zombie villagers. It is crucial to exercise caution when using a bow to shoot the arrow, as using your most potent one might unintentionally eliminate the zombie villager instead of curing it.

When trying to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft, it is important to consider the presence of other zombie villagers in the area. To prevent them from interfering with the curing process, it is recommended to isolate the zombie villager you intend to cure. By doing so, you can ensure that they do not get infected again and undo all the effort you put into curing them.

To cure a zombie villager in Minecraft, you need to first engage with the zombie villager. This can be done by using a Splash Potion of Weakness or firing an Arrow of Weakness at it. This will weaken the zombie villager. Once weakened, you can use a Golden Apple on it to cure it. Simply face the zombie villager and press the use key to use the Golden Apple.

After completing the necessary steps, you will notice the zombie villager starting to shake, which signals the initiation of the curing procedure. Patience is required as you wait a few minutes for the zombie villager to transform into a fully restored regular villager.

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